Bone Density Scan

  • 2 Replies

Offline Emby

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Bone Density Scan
« on: November 27, 2013, 02:57:25 PM »
Hi...can someone tell me what to look for in a reading from a bone density scan to understand the results. Has anyone taken Alandronic Acid for it good for increasing bone mass?
Thank you.


Offline Dharmesh

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Re: Bone Density Scan
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2013, 10:10:33 AM »
Hi Emby,

The BMD Dexa Scan contains the reference values suggested by WHO.

After checking BMD , Alendronic Acid can be suggested.

I am using it. And there r many more on it.
Start listening your body, it always gives signs


Offline Emby

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Re: Bone Density Scan
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2013, 02:58:53 PM »
Your T-score is your bone density compared with what is normally expected in a healthy young adult of your sex. Your T-score is the number of units — called standard deviations — that your bone density is above or below the average.

T-score   What your score means
-1 and above   Your bone density is considered normal.
Between -1 and -2.5   Your score is a sign of osteopenia, a condition in which bone density is below normal and may lead to osteoporosis.
-2.5 and below   Your bone density indicates you have osteoporosis.

Your Z-score is the number of standard deviations above or below what's normally expected for someone of your age, sex, weight, and ethnic or racial origin. If your Z-score is -2 or lower, it may suggest that something other than aging is causing abnormal bone loss. If your doctor can identify the underlying problem, that condition can often be treated and the bone loss slowed or stopped.

I'm still not sure about Alandronic acid!


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