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Offline cagammill

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« on: October 31, 2006, 11:20:26 PM »
I am writing a research paper and would like to know about initial diagnosis. What were the signs/symptoms you had when you were initially diagnosed? What tests were done? How did you find out? Thanks to anyone willing to share this information.



Offline Manal

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Re: diagnosis
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2006, 12:13:47 AM »
Hi cagammill

I am a mother of a four years child who was diagnoised as beta thalassemia intermedia. We discovered this by complete coincidence.  I wanted to know the blood group of my son and when we did the CBC we found out that his HB was 6.4. After his we started to investigate what was going on. It turned out that his spleen was enlarged ( 11 cm ) and then we did several tests like the HPLC, DNA sequencing, ferritin level in addition to the check up tests like abdominal ultrasound to check size of spleen and liver as well as the echo to check the heart.

So i can say that my son didn't suffer from anything except that he is pale ( previously i thought that this was a result of not eating balanced diet as he likes carbohydrates ). On the conrary, he is an active child and i would have never known until i  did this CBC.

From my expierence it is really important to do regular check ups on our kids from the first day of their lives. We should be aware of what is goin on inside our bodies and don't wait for symptoms to ring the bell.

Anyway, hope you do well in your paper



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