I made my last post too long, sorry... Just a quick reply will do, if anyone is

  • 2 Replies

Does this look like Beta Thal Minor AND Iron Deficiency Anemia?

To supplement iron or not to supplement iron that is my last question, I promise. :)
I am a 43 year old male, virgo(  ), of Italian Descent, I am 6’2’ and weigh 160lbs).

Blood work:

Frac. Profile:

Hgb Solubility = Negative
Hgb F = 1.0
Hgb A = 94.1
Hgb S = 0
Hgb c = 0
Hgb A2 = 4.9

Iron Bind.Cap. (TIBC) = 341
UIBC = 215
Iron, Serum = 126
Iron Saturation = 37

CBC With Differential/Platelet

WBC = 4.1
RBC = 5.59
Hemoglobin = 10.7
Hematocrit = 35.5
MCV = 63.4
MCH = 19.2
MCHC =30.2
RDW = 17.5

Thanks so much.


Offline Andy Battaglia

  • *****
  • 8793
  • Gender: Male
  • Will thal rule you or will you rule thal?
Your previous post showed low ferritin. All other iron numbers are in normal range. In addition, the RDW would be expected to be higher and the RBC lower if IDA was also present. I really don't see anything to back up IDA other than low ferritin and that is not backed up at all by the other numbers.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Thanks Andy. Much appreciated.

That works for me.



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