Hello Everyone,
I am a 29 year old Male of Mediterranean descent and I am in the process of learning what type of thalassemia I have. I'm definitely a Minor, just not sure if it is an alpha variant or a Beta variant. I have confirmed that my iron levels are normal and do not suffer from Iron Deficiency anemia.
Firstly, Let me share my CBC and HB Electrophoresis results:
WBC: 4.2 (Normal: 4 - 10)
RBC: 5.8 (Normal: 4.5 - 5.5) High
Hemoglobin: 14.9 g/dl (Normal: 13 - 17)
Hematocrit: 46.3% (Normal: 40 - 50)
MCV: 79.3 (Normal: 83 - 101) Low
MCH: 25.5 (Normal: 27 - 32) Low
MCHC: 32.2 (Normal: 31.5 - 34.5)
RDW: 13.4% (Normal: 11.6 - 14.5)
MPV: 12.5 (Normal: 7.4 - 10.4) High
Platelet: 243 (Normal: 150 - 400)
Hemoglobinopathies Screening:
HB A : 97.4% (Normal: 95.6 - 97.8)
HB A2: 2.4 % (Normal: 2 - 3.4)
HB F : 0.2% (Normal: 0.2 - 1)
Notes from my doctor: "Normal Hb Pattern. However, in view of the low red cell indices, and in the absence of iron deficiency anemia, this result does not rule out Alpha Thalassemia trait or normal Hemoglobin A2 Beta Thalassemia."
I think I probably have alpha thal, but, I was just wondering if anyone knows how common it is to be Beta Thal with normal Hemoglobin Levels (13-17), and normal HBA2 levels. The only thing that threw me off was my doctors last remark: ("... or Normal Hemoglobin A2 Beta Thal"), not exactly sure what that is. Anyone have any ideas?
I guess the next course of action is DNA testing. I'de be very appreciative of any feedback/advice.
Thanks for reading.