Are there any Thal Minors here that are in the UK?

  • 4 Replies
Are there any Thal Minors here that are in the UK?
« on: January 05, 2014, 07:56:01 PM »
Just wondering if there are any UK members with thal minor that can offer me any help and advice with this issue and the NHS?

Re: Are there any Thal Minors here that are in the UK?
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2014, 10:16:29 AM »
Hi, my daughter has thal b minor trait. Her dad and grandmother both have too. My daughter was born in Greece where it's very common. My husband and I separated 5 years ago and my daughter and I returned to uk where there is little help or advice really. Managed to find a good doc and loads of brilliant advice on here from Andy who has been an absolute gem! I always end up returning to this site, hope it will help you too!! Message if you want to chat!!

Re: Are there any Thal Minors here that are in the UK?
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2014, 06:59:16 PM »
Hi, I am in the UK and not had much joy from the NHS. I found out I had Thalassemia minor when I was about 10, and was told it was nothing to worry about until I married in case my husband to be was also a carrier. I was always a pale and tired child/teenager/young adult, and was regularly prescribed iron tablets. When I was 25 my blood count had dropped to just 6, and this also reoccured when I was pregnant. Since then, I have constantly suffered with fatigue and joint pain. I do find exercise helps to some extent, but I have now learnt to live with it and have adapted my lifestyle to cope with it. When I have visited my GP I am generally fobbed off!

Re: Are there any Thal Minors here that are in the UK?
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2014, 09:12:54 PM »
I am in the UK too. No joy with GPs unfortunately

Re: Are there any Thal Minors here that are in the UK?
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2014, 01:13:52 PM »
Hi, I live in the UK and am so glad that I recently found this website, as I feel as if I have been stumbling around in the dark with symptoms that I have not understood and just learnt to live with for years.
I was told that I have Thalassemia triat when I was 17. I am half Greek, and it was explained to me that this is a common blood disorder among Mediterranean people. Since then I have had 3 children, all of which carry the trait. Following blood tests I was told that I had Trait A, then they changed their minds and said that it was actually Trait B, so I am a little confused!
Tiredness is a major issue, especially in the afternoon, and a foggy feeling which at times blocks my clarity of thought, it's very frustrating, but I have just learnt to live with it. When I was pregnant, I was prescribed Folic Acid, the GP explained that I do not have a lack of iron, but an inability to store it properly. The midwife also explained that some of my blood cells are 'kidney shaped' instead of being round, therefore less able to distribute oxygen around my body, hence the tiredness.
Since then I have just got on with it, and then I stumbled on your site when looking up a possible link between Thalassemia and constant headaches.
I am so hopeful now after reading some of your posts, that by taking the correct supplements, I may be able to relieve the symptoms and lead a more energetic and full life.
I would be grateful for any comments or advice
Many thanks - Athena


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