I am very excited to be part of this forum, I am into supplements for several years, but I just discovered I am beta thal minor, so now I understand what was happening to me for all these years, I am an old guy, just turned 37 yo...

If you don't mind I post my blood results first:
RBC 6.41
MCV 65.5
MCH 20.7
MCHC 31.7
Morphology abnormal: microcyte 2+, hypochromia 2+, ovalocytes 2+
Hemoglobin 13.3
Hematocrit 42%
Bilirubin total: 2.3
Bilirubin direct 0.6
GGT 37
Calcium 9.2
Phosphorus 3.8
Potassium 3.7
Magnesium 2.0
Sodium 138
Chloride 100
Vitamin D total 31.34
Vitamin B12 626
Serum iron 85 ug/dL
TIBC 330 ug/dL
Transferrin 25.7%
Ferritin 330 mg/mL
Hb A 92.7%
Hb A2 6%
Hb F 1.3%
Sorry to be long. Thyroid is ok.
Now the questions, basically I have been feel tired and sleepy since the end of puberty, I am a little bit over weight (5 kg) but i exercise every other day. I have also brain fog and experienced for the first time since October of panic attacks. I had also palpitations a lot when my potassium fell 3.5, now my cardiologist put me on potassium supplement to raise it, but in two months my max was 3.8. Anyway, I don't want to be too long, I will add more details if asked.
Questions: I read on this forum how some people try to rise Hb F, I don't get it. I saw mine already over the normal limit. I thought I should focus to increase only Hb A, no?
Ferritin, I know 330 for a thal intermedia or major is a miracle, but if suspect that for me it is a bit too much, unfortunately they told me I was a little anemic, so first thing I thought to supplement a little of iron one month ago, no doctor checked my ferritin, I did it on my own with a private lab, also the electrophoresis. The only thing they found in hospital is that I have a mild fatty liver and a little low bone density in my spine, but my calcium lvl looks good, but my vitamin D no, so I think that was the problem. Anyway, should I try to low my ferritin levels? If so how?
Bilirubin, I have always had higher levels, before my beta thal minor diagnosis I thought I might be one with gilbert, but now I am not sure if the bilirubin is from gilbert or hemolysis??
When the lab did the electrophoresis, they wrote: beta thalassemia trait possible with or without alpha thalassemia, what does it mean? How can I know if I am also alpha?
Last question for now, does anybody else have problems with electrolytes? I found hard to raise their levels? I sweat a lot unfortunately.
Thank you so much don't need to answer to all my questions.