Need help for my wife diagnsed beta thalassemia minor

  • 6 Replies
Need help for my wife diagnsed beta thalassemia minor
« on: January 18, 2014, 09:28:54 AM »
Hi All

I am new in this forum and I have read lot of posts about beta thalassemia minor in this forum. I need your help. My wife 33 years diagosed  beta thalassemia minor six months ago when she was complaining pain some time in back and some times stomach.

I am living in sweden. My wife went to Doctor, they take many blood tests and prescribed some tables Alvendon 500 mg. When she taken the table she feel some relief.

Some bloods tests of my wife taken in December2013 are as under:

Samtliga                      Ref.intervall         Enhet
B-HB              111*    117-153            g/L
B-Leukocyter   7.6           3.5-8.8      10(9)/L
B-Erytocyter   6.0*           3.9-5.2      10(12)/L
Erc(B)-MVC     62*        82-98      fL
Erc(B)-MCH    19*           27-33      pg
Erc(B)-MCHC   297*            317-357      g/L

Now my wife is presgent and she feel pain in the back. This is second pregenany.

In the first pregenancy she also feel pain all the time during the pregenancy and bleeding in in third month and fifth month. 
After 28 weeks she gave birth premature birth to baby and baby was died on the same day.

Now I am very afrid because of pain. Can you please look at
wife reports and advice what to do.I really need help all of you and advice.




Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Need help for my wife diagnsed beta thalassemia minor
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2014, 08:56:18 PM »
Your wife's Hb was at a good level in December, so it does not appear that her back pain is due to low Hb. What does the doctor say about the pain and its causes?

Your wife should be taking at least 2 mg folic acid daily. I also recommend natural vitamin E daily. Both are useful for thal minors when pregnant.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Need help for my wife diagnsed beta thalassemia minor
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2014, 07:20:14 AM »
Thanks Andy

The pain of my wife is for long period when she take tab. Alvendo (Paracetomo) she feel little bit relief and after 10 to 15 days in come again. We went many doctor and Gynologist they took many bloods and said all the reports are ok.

Right Now my wife is taking Folic Acid 5 mg and when she fell pain she took Alvendon. Is it ok for my wife to take folic acid 5 mg.

Re: Need help for my wife diagnsed beta thalassemia minor
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2014, 08:14:24 AM »
My wife has a miscarriage in 10 week of pregnancy. We we ask the doctors why it happens they dont know. They  took ultrasound of my wife and said the the child has not grown and there is no heart movement and said its miscarriage. Before and During the Pregnancy my wife took Folic Acid 1 mg two tablets a day. During the pregnancy the HB and iron test and other tests and tests were ok and normal.

Can any one advise us what to next we are sad.



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Need help for my wife diagnsed beta thalassemia minor
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2014, 04:48:25 PM »
It may just be chance that she miscarried. However, we have heard from many thal minors who have had multiple miscarriages. I would suggest increasing the folic acid to 5 mg daily and that 400 IU natural vitamin E be taken daily. These are both very important for thal minor pregnancies. The biggest problem that occurs in minors is that there can be insufficient blood flow between the uterus and placenta. Vitamin E can help with this.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Need help for my wife diagnsed beta thalassemia minor
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2015, 10:34:59 AM »
My wife is again pregnant. She has a two miscarriages before and now she is 11 week. My wife homogloba level is low 88. My wife has appointment with Gynecologist Doctor on  26 June 2015. can you please advise me what should I discuss with Gynecologist as she is beta thalassemia minor. Thenak


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Need help for my wife diagnsed beta thalassemia minor
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2015, 11:08:08 PM »

In addition to seeing the gynecologist, I think your wife should see a hematologist. She should have iron studies blood testing done to see if her iron may be low. I think she should also discuss this pain with the hematologist. The location of the pain may give some indication as to its cause (possibly spleen or gallbladder related?). Thal minors typically drop to lower Hb levels during pregnancy than non carriers. Make sure your doctors are aware of this. Some minors do require a transfusion or two if their Hb falls below 8 during the pregnancy. Preparations for a blood transfusion during birth should also be made in case bleeding is heavy during the birth. This is simply a precaution that should be taken, but it is seldom necessary. Thal minors often have enlarged spleens that cannot be felt by a physical examination, but can be seen by ultrasound. If the spleen is suspected as a cause of the pain, an ultrasound can determine if the spleen is enlarged. Monitoring of bilirubin levels can also help tell if the gallbladder is involved. If the turnover of red blood cells during pregnancy increases over when she is not pregnant, its effects will be seen in the spleen and/or gallbladder.

I have mentioned the natural vitamin E and I hope she is taking it. I want to stress its importance to pregnant thal minors. I would also suggest looking for wheatgrass tablets or powder and having her take it through the pregnancy. It may help keep her Hb more stable.


All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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