Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis

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Offline Prets

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #105 on: May 16, 2014, 12:17:24 PM »
Common names besides nigella are Black seeds, Black cumin, fennel flower, black caraway, nutmeg flower, Roman coriander, black onion seed, kalonji. Do you recognize any of the names?

Ambareen advised taking 1/2 teaspoon, put them in a dry pan on the stove and heat briefly until the seeds start to make a little popping sound. Grind the seeds and mix with one tablespoon of honey and eat.

Andy, Pratik and everyone,

Nigella seeds are called Kalonji in india/hindi.  They're tiny black seeds, pointed at one end and somewhat triangular in shape.

NOT to be confused with ....

Flax seeds are brown and flat tear shape, they contain omega 3.
Black cumin is called kala jeera, again its something totally different.
Caraway in india is probably called ajwain.
Also do not confuse Nigella with black sesame seeds (called kala til in india.), theyre also black tear shaped seeds but not triangular.
Here fennel is called saunf, Nutmeg is a large round nut, and coriander is dhania seeds.

I bought it and will start taking it, is it NECESSARY to take it with honey?  Can i simply eat it by itself?

Also Andy - most spices here, we dry roast them to release the flavors, then we cool and grind them. All the branded ready made spices in stores are processed in that manner - for better aroma. I am not sue if the nutritional value changes.

I am trying to attach a pic of nigella so we can all confirm it.
Symptomatic Beta Thal Minor.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #106 on: May 16, 2014, 02:10:43 PM »
Hi Prets,

You can toast the seeds in a dry pan until you hear them begin to pop. They can then be ground and mixed with foods. They can also be used in a pepper mill and ground and used with foods as a spice.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Prets

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #107 on: May 31, 2014, 11:08:40 AM »
I tried chewing and swallowing the seeds with water, but it burns my throat. And then some throat bug going around has kept me sick for very long. Still recovering and throat still too sensitive.
 I've also started getting the morning joint pains and am still anemic/pale. Has anyone on forums been evaluated for adrenal fatigue or fibromyalgia? The symptoms overlap and i read that adrenal problem can also make one look bloodless. I have a sleep disorder too, so getting an accurate cortisol evaluation is tricky.
I have seen people even with hemoglobin 9 who do not look as ghostly pale as I do. Also long term anemia itself can cause fibromyalgia and adrenal fatigue. I use a multivit with low iron but no luck so far.
Symptomatic Beta Thal Minor.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #108 on: May 31, 2014, 11:35:09 PM »
The way it was explained to me is that you toast the seeds briefly in a dry pan until they begin to pop. Then the seeds are ground and mixed with a spoonful of honey and taken that way.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Prets

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #109 on: June 01, 2014, 12:18:47 PM »
I guess people with severe throat allergies like mine cant mange anything remotely spicy - another member here had mentioned the burning.  I cant even eat butter/cheese like normal people do, I get sick with throat burning.

But i do know that nigella is sprinkled whole on breads/rotis too, more like a decoration. So i guess i should work as long as the body and digest/assimilate it.
Symptomatic Beta Thal Minor.


Offline zahra

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #110 on: June 05, 2014, 06:15:03 AM »
I found some black seed oil but don't know how to use it.
Is anyone else using it. If so how and how much for a 6 year old?


Offline zahra

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #111 on: June 05, 2014, 06:28:25 AM »

thought this picture might help in recognising it when searching for it.



Offline adeel

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Re: Update on Nigella (Black onion seed, cumin seed) and Hepatitis
« Reply #112 on: June 27, 2014, 06:09:06 AM »
Zahara it's best to eat the seeds in raw form with honey I took 11 seeds daily with one spoon of honey on empty stomach .


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