Thanks for your response.
We are still waiting to get his labs. Our doctor called him when she got them.... the others he got at his visit. I'll post when I get them.
She gave him lots of B supplements and liver support supplements. His liver is showing some struggle, oxidative markers are high on labs. She wants him to reduce his red meat and retest in three months. I'm concerned this won't be enough.
We have already started giving him tea or coffee with meals, added a bit of cheese or milk to kick it up.
He has dropped his penchant for Arnold Palmer's with meals and we are watching his alcohol and vit c intake at meals. Also, he's trying not to drink alcohol with meals, since it is said to increase absorption, also.
I am learning to cook again, the third time in my life. It is a cook for an iron deficient Celiac and an iron overloaded Thal at the same time. I doubled my iron supplement - only solution I could come up with.

We probably will proceed with genetic testing for both him and my son. My MIL had Thal, but she ran anemic and never needed transfusions. Her brother apparently had hideous doctors who never picked up on the Thal (even after being told) - he died from a combo of liver failure and diabetes. At some point they were giving him iron.