Hello Thal Pals I am new and would love, advice insight....

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Hello Thal Pals I am new and would love, advice insight....
« on: January 25, 2014, 10:34:50 PM »
I am a 60 year old male and my name is Rich and found out i was beta thalassemia minor about 10 years ago after i was ran thru some terrible tests for internal bleeding, cancer etc... given iron scared me to death and then they told me i had beta thal they told me to stop the iron and i had nothing to worry about there would be no symptoms (you will be fine) as time went by I curiously did some research online and discovering that there were other beta thal's out there with a whole lot of symtoms that i have been struggling with all my life (pieces of the puzzle coming together!) and then i found this site! wow then a lot of things started making sense.

I have to say my symtoms have really increased with age and looking for any information that can improve my condition I see after reading some posts that there many people suffering more than I and for that i feel i'm fortunate but feel bad for others! I would like to post my blood work in hopes i might get some comments on my condition because i am really battling fatigue, fogg brain and deppresion.

i willl only list all the readings that are out of the normal range:

HGB- 12.2  HCT- 37.8  MCV- 62.5  MCH- 20.2  MCHC- 32.3  RDW- 15.2



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