So it's been over two years since I asked this forum for advice on HB levels. The consensus was to not allow them to drop below 9-10. I have tried with my current doctor who is quite open to my suggestions, but it hasn't worked too well. Granted we only tried once.
I normally get transfusions every 3 weeks and my HB is around 8. This time it was 7.0 which concerned me enough to post again.
What I tried doing was getting a transfusion at 8 then 2 weeks later another, instead of 3 weeks. I then waited the usual 3 weeks and it was back to where it always is. It seemed to break down faster with more blood.
So in going to give it another try. I just got my transfusion today at 7.0 so I should be around 9.0 now. I am going to ask for another full transfusion in 1 week. After that I will check again after two weeks and get another if necessary.
Does this sound like the best course of action? Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks again, this forum has always been helpful!