Hi Andy,
I am an alpha thalassemia minor (heterozygote for the southeast Asian alpha-thalassemia- deletion (--sea/alpha, alpha)). My husband is a silent carrier (heterozygote for the rightward single alpha globin gene deletion (-,alpha 3.7/alpha, alpha)). Our son has HbH disease (-,alpha 3.7/--sea).
My husband and I are considering having a second child. (We are 39 and 36 years old).
I have read the previous threads on this topic and here are my questions:
1. I was told by a doctor at Assisted Reproduction Center that PGD would not work for us because it would not be able to detect the deletional form of alpha thalassemia. Is this true?
2. If PGD works, ideally, the best way for us will be PGD + IVF + HLA matching, right?
Thank you very much.
