hello, i'll be brief as possible since english is not my native language
almost 30 year old male, thal beta minor (unconfirmed, but my sister has it and my mom)...
experienced fatique, depression, tiredness, no strength and so on all my life...
never could do sports because i've always felt tired and without energy or strength, would start enthusiasticaly and then experience so much tiredness i just couldn't continue...
finished college instead

thought extremely low blood pressure from my fathers side is the cause...
been given as a young boy iron supplements, only made it worse! 186cm tall, 65 kg heavy - very hard to gain weight...
now for my blood results lately:
eritrocytes 5.34
RDW 23.2
hemoglobin 116
HCT 0.365
MCV 68.4
MCH 21.7
MCHC 318
trombocytes (PLT) 239
WBC 5.7
LYM 52.8 (a little higher all my life as is in my father too)
NEU 32.6
iron 23.4
bilirubin 23.1 (a little higher because of b complex said my doctor she presumes)
i can write more indicators if needed!
Thanks to this forum i found out vitamin d so i took 2000IU from KAL and being an indoors guy all my life (computers and college, very pale guy) IT CHANGED MY LIFE! and no placebo effect too i swear.
I have more energy than ever before! sleep "only" 8 hours a day, before vitamin D i slept for 10 hours and i woke every day tired as hell.
Also i'm taking B complex super strength from KAL too since you reccomende it, also it is good for appetite (but couldnt get more weight anyway sadly)
this is b complex im using:
http://www.vitacost.com/kal-b-complex-super-strengthMy questions are this:
1. I now know that extra iron is bad for me, because i'm at normal level of iron, but i dont know how many vitamin c should i use if any? i use at the moment water soluble tablets from the shop i dont know how much mg of vitamin c are in it...however i do feel better when using vitamin c, also i eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and my diet is mostly "healthy" and greeny most of my life...
2. I cannot afford to check my vit D levels but i know being inside all my life and such that level is low, so my question is should i take 5000IU of D or my current 2000IU is enough?
3. Is 1L of milk good for me every day? Cause i drink eat every day all year and absolutely love milk but dont know how does that affect my health considering beta minor thal....
4. I cannot afford other supplements, and i dont even know should i be taking at all more supplements, so my question is are vit d , vit c and b complex good enough for me to function at my best?
I cannot remember more questions right now, when i do i'll ask.
Thx in advance for answers, and sorry for bad english...