greetings thal pals,
just joined forum yesterday!!!! finally i'm going to do take care of my slight anemia problem i've suffered from since childhood. turns out 1 of my aunts has thal minor. i recently finished my 2nd battle fighting hepc & am 5 months undetected. !!!!!! LIFE IS GOOD!!!! prior to treatment was tested for hemochrotosis due to ferretin levels of 2000. the results came back negative but suggested i may have thal minor. of course hepc dr. insisted i get rid of virus & ferretin would level off. well of course it didn't & although i was only stage 1 my alt is still slightly elevated. finally dr. agreed to blood let for my ferretin was 720 at end of treatment. after blood letting 1/2 pint i went down to 620!!!!!! am seeing dr this thursday & need some advice as how to proceed w/ this. i must also add i feel so blessed that i never became cirrhotic w/ both hep & thal!!!!
to begin with here's some of my latest blood results; hgb=10.5, ast=36,alt=51, iron saturation=42, iron serum=148,,ggt-31,wbc=5.1,rbc=4.6,hematocrit=32.7,mcv=71,mch=22.7 and rdw=16.3.
while on hepc meds my hgb dropped to 6 in a month. i had 2 blood transfusions & was on procrit until 1 month ago. my whole life i've had vertigo, hgb at 10 or 10.5, popped iron pills until 5 years ago and passed out unconscious twice in my life. my hep c dr. blamed it on the hepatitis.....well now i'm proving it's thal!!!!!!!
when i go to dr, i plan on asking for the hemoelectrophesis test, iron/liver mri/ferriscan, lic test and plans to raise my hgb, rbc and mcv. should i ask for another rx for procrit to combat my mild anemia? also he won't blood let unless my hgb=11!!!!! it won't get there w/out procrit or tons of iron rich foods!!!!!! does anyone have any clue how i can raise my hgb & mch? what are the best foods for me right now? should i be seeing a hematologist instead of my hepc dr? how do i determine the iron concentration in my heart? also since i stopped popping iron pills 5 years ago & stopped eating iron rich foods 1 year ago, is it possible that eventually after 3 more rounds of blood letting i 'll be cured?? i know it's wishful thinking...... also any/all suggestions/tips/pointers would be greatly appreciated.
onto the brighter side of life, i am a very strong woman w/ immense inner strength. i eat healthy nutritious foods, no red meat, no alcohol, work out, practice cyclical breathing and am exploring my artistic abilities. my belief in myself, inner strength and positivity throughout all situations has gotten me quite far in life. i take every lemon thrown my way & make lemonade.
thank you all for this forum and everyone enjoy their mother's day.