Boy Scout Leader w/ Thal inerm. (& Eagle Scout)

  • 4 Replies
Boy Scout Leader w/ Thal inerm. (& Eagle Scout)
« on: May 15, 2014, 04:17:55 AM »
Hi I was in cub scouts and Boy Scouts my entire youth just about.
I made my Eagle Scout rank at 16.
I know have a 14 year old son who is in Boy Scouts and I have been involved as a leader since he was in cub scouts.
Now that we are in Boy Scouts we are doing more physically involved activities (backpacking, hiking, climbing, etc)

I find my self having to sit out on some of these activities but next year we have a rare chance to visit Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico (I've always wanted to go there) it will be for a 7 day backpacking trek and I really want to do it!
But I'm not sure if physically I'll be able to... What can I do to try to prepare for this event and how can I get my dr to sign off on my health check up allowing me to participate in this event?

I have never really let my health hold me back, I have always tried to do what "the rest of the guys" do but some times I pay for it by days of fatigue and pain.

I was thinking of having a blood transfusion before the trip but how far ahead should I be transfused a day, a week, two weeks?


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Re: Boy Scout Leader w/ Thal inerm. (& Eagle Scout)
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2014, 04:49:06 AM »
P.S. My Eagle Scout project was a community blood drive (I was transfused with some of that blood).

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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Boy Scout Leader w/ Thal inerm. (& Eagle Scout)
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2014, 06:38:46 PM »
Pace yourself as best as you can. Don't try to keep going when you need rest. I would suggest getting transfused within a few days of the trip, but not the day before (avoid transfusion blahs) so your Hb is at its maximum. I would also suggest you try wheatgrass supershots. The normal dose is one cap full each day, but I would suggest taking one cap full twice daily preceding the trip and during the trip. And pay special attention to hydration.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Bostonian_04

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Re: Boy Scout Leader w/ Thal inerm. (& Eagle Scout)
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2014, 12:10:23 AM »
Also want to add that prepare your body for the trip...Just like people prepare for couch to half-marathon for example...look them up and pick a plan that works for you and train yourself.
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Re: Boy Scout Leader w/ Thal inerm. (& Eagle Scout)
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2014, 02:16:45 AM »
Thanks guys,  I'm going to buy a Elevation Training Mask and start using it walking around the neighborhood and trails.

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