Dear friends
No matter i say, can't explain how gratful i am to you all. Your words made me feel that i am balanced again.
Sally, thanks for the advice and yes, this is what i will do. try to find hope and work for it. Thank you for being that caring.

Jean, i don't know why, everytime i read what you wrote me i cry more and more. your words touches me deep in my heart. You are so loving, caring, sesitive person. You are the heart of this group. God bless you

Sajid, thanks a lot for the encourgement. I will try to take it that way, but i cann't promise

Andy, thanks alot. yes what you said is right. My words were so emotional and aggressive, but your words put me back on the right track. You are right about the concept of ''normalizing'' though when i first read it, i wasn't convienced. Concerning Egypt And Pakistan, believe me there is no difference. As Jean is the heart of the group, you are is brain. Thanks.

Kathy, you are so right in defining my worries. It is true, i am not patient enough. Kathy, when i read our posts to me the first time, i was just reading and without comprehension. Later when i read them more and more, i became more comfortable especially that you picked up things that are very true. I will have hope for other options as you said and most of all i will be patient. I am so optimistic with your words '' something good will come your way''. Hope it is true Kathy

Narendra, yes you are right. When you want something badly, your mind neglects the risks and you only see the bright side of it. Hope you are right and comes a better treatmeant. Cann't imagine when this day will come. Did your sister ever thought about the haploidentical transplant before?

Once more, thank you so much. All your posts weren't only supportive but made me realize very important things. I will be more patient and will have hope in other options and keep searching..
Try my best to overcome my pain and despair by believing that God will give me all the best.
I will keep you posted as tomorrow is my appointment with the doctor specialized in transplant who will give me his last opinion.
Knowing people like you is a gift from God
