I"m a thal minor with normal HH (after many years of being low, til I had a hysterectomy) and low MCV. I went to the hematologist to appease my PCP who was concerned about the low MCV, even though I told her it would always be low. The hematologist told me not to let anyone give me iron without checking ALL the tests... and the ferritin is supposed to be the most reflective of the actual level though it may be falsely high due to cell destruction
. I remember being anemic w/ my 2d baby, but having elevated iron levels, and the OB insisting I needed iron because I was anemic. I explained over and over again how I didn't need iron but he was just stuck on the anemia. Finally I just agreed with him and told him I'd fill the scip but never did.
Now I have low B12. Lab tag said 'pernicious anemia' but the level was a little above normal. Frankly, don't know if I ever got my B12 checked before. The level is low normal, but I have many symptoms of B12 deficiency, including colon polyps.
I always felt the best when I took a heavy B supplement with a high folic acid dose. At one point I was taking 1600 mcg of folic daily and had a great smear. Definitely reduced my RBC morphs. My mom worked in a lab as a hemo specialist, so I had access to a lot of free lab work for several years.
Folic Acid and B vitamins are a must with this.
Just be prepared for docs to say Thal Minor is asymptomatic...can't tell you how many times I've heard that over the years, and the literature always stated that til recently.