The problem in Bangladesh is that there is a very high rate of thalassemia and it is also an extremely poor country, so chelator availability in general is not good. We fortunately have a wonderful doctor working there, Dr Robin, so we do have a reliable contact there for sending meds. I send much of what is donated to Bangladesh because the need is so great. It is estimated that it would take at least 10% of the entire medical budget of Bangladesh to care for all the thals there. The reality in Asia is very sad. Most thal majors born never get any treatment. Guys like Bappy are the "lucky" ones who have somehow made it this far. We are determined to do whatever we can to help our friends stay alive. If anyone can donate meds or even funds, I can make sure they get into Dr Robin's hands so many patients can be helped. Dr Robin has a thal major sister, and the whole family moved to Canada, but Dr Robin chose to stay home and care for his countrymen and I have the utmost respect for him.