Prayer for help...........

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Offline Bappy

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Prayer for help...........
« on: August 23, 2014, 09:50:44 AM »
Dear friends,
This is saddam hossain bappy. Friends once again i'm front of your door with a appeal. Friends i need your support. Friends you know my financial ability is not so good and i hardly running my transfusion cost. Anywise i arrange some help for my blood transfusion but i unable to buy iron chelator medicine. I hope i can over come this crises,but friends i need your help for this.

Friends if you able, Please help me with your any kind of helps. Your help can make a difference for my life .

I hope all my friend come forward to help me...................I want to live,Please help me.

Md.saddam hossain bappy
I am a thalassamia E-beta patient and I am a M.B.S student


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Prayer for help...........
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2014, 04:00:20 PM »
Yes please. If anyone has any Exjade to spare, please send it either directly to Bappy or send it to me. I have one bottle to send him but need more to make it worth the cost of mailing.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Nomad

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Re: Prayer for help...........
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2014, 12:13:11 AM »
Bappy, Andy, I cant promisse anything but I will ask on My Hospital for exjade. Sometimes the Novartis repräsentative  came by and leave some Free examples. Can I ask you how High is your ferritin? Would Ferriprox Not be cheaper? I See what I Can Do , Take care yourself. Bye


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Prayer for help...........
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2014, 02:53:16 AM »
The problem in Bangladesh is that there is a very high rate of thalassemia and it is also an extremely poor country, so chelator availability in general is not good. We fortunately have a wonderful doctor working there, Dr Robin, so we do have a reliable contact there for sending meds. I send much of what is donated to Bangladesh because the need is so great. It is estimated that it would take at least 10% of the entire medical budget of Bangladesh to care for all the thals there. The reality in Asia is very sad. Most thal majors born never get any treatment. Guys like Bappy are the "lucky" ones who have somehow made it this far. We are determined to do whatever we can to help our friends stay alive. If anyone can donate meds or even funds, I can make sure they get into Dr Robin's hands so many patients can be helped. Dr Robin has a thal major sister, and the whole family moved to Canada, but Dr Robin chose to stay home and care for his countrymen and I have the utmost respect for him.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Bappy

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Re: Prayer for help...........
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2014, 09:53:18 AM »
Dear friend Nomad ,
My ferritin is 3610 . Now i use desirox 1750 mg per day. friend i am not well known about ferriprox . Actually i afraid to change my chelator medicine. so i try to continue Desirox .

Dear Andy sir ,

Yes,Dr.Robin doing a very good job . He raising new hope for thalassemia patient . Country like bangladesh thalassaemia patient are very helpless because we have no goverment support . I saw many parents who came from village with more than two Thalassemia child. They're really too helpless.  Dr.Robin really trying to make effective organization for them.

I request to all people, who have ability please come forward and help us.........
I am a thalassamia E-beta patient and I am a M.B.S student


Offline Nomad

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Re: Prayer for help...........
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2014, 07:53:22 PM »
Dear Bappy, I understand your hesitation about swich to another chelator.Besides, this is something you have to discuss with you Doc. Or at least with Andy. I just thought about the costs.
 For example: in germany, Exjade is over 10 times higher on cost
 Exjade 500mg 84tabl - price 3087€!!!
Ferriprox 500mg 100tabl - price 218€ !!! This is NOTa tipo!!
Well, tomorow I have my transfusion and I will speak to my Doc. about you and some Exjade.
Take care. C ya.


Offline Bappy

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Re: Prayer for help...........
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2014, 10:04:51 AM »
Dear Friend Nomad ,
Thanks for your replay. Today i talk with my doctor and he suggest me to not change my chalator medicine. Actually nowadays i taking desirox which is 9,600/= Taka (94.1€) in bangladesh for 3 bottle (90 tablets), but you know its also a big amount for me .

Dear friend, Asunra also can be helpful for me . I request to all my friend please help me.

Thanks for your support .......
Md. saddam hossain bappy
I am a thalassamia E-beta patient and I am a M.B.S student


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