Hello I know that is kind odd to ask and probably most of us don't know about it.But I m trying to study the matter ( for myself and family and group) about thallassemia Minor and what kind of deletion symptons .
I didn't have an electrophoresis done but a DNA test done and this is the only reason I know that my case is called Homozygous -3.7 in other words I have received from my mom one deletion and from my father one deletion also so my hemoglobins are -3.7/-3.7 I actually don't understand exactly why they name like this but this is my DNA test and they said all my children will receive it once my both genes are defective.
So my two children are like my parents carriers(if my husband is not a carriers also)
Anyways I don't want to confuse you about my question.
What I want to know is if you are an alpha thal carrier( one deletion),trait ( two deletion) if you know the DNA test scripting for it ( alpha-/-alpha),(--/alpha alpha),(-alpha/alpha alpha) etc..
And how it has impacted your life or not.
Looking online I don't see much of information,so I'm trying to understand if more symptoms or lest symptoms is a matter of each different deletion on alphas. If you guys have the same curiosity or even see it like a good study ,share your experience with me on this topic.
