I discovered my Alpha-Thal Minor trait several years ago after questioning my doctor about the irregularities in my CBC. Specifically, I wanted to know why the MCV and MCH were both so low. During this period, I also had chronic bone pain in my legs, pale skin and fatigue, however my doctor said that A-Thal-minor did not cause symptoms, hence I moved on with my life in spite of my symptoms.
I'm so happy that I discovered this forum and the recommendation of taking folic acid. Soon after starting the supplement ( 1.6mg), my symptoms began to get better. Therefore, my question is exactly how much ( mg) of folic acid should I supplement with per day?
By the way, listed below are recent labs.
F WBC 3.0 L 4.0-10.5 (K/uL)
F LYMPH# 1.1 0.6-4.1 (K/uL)
F LY% 37.1 10.0-58.0 (%)
F MID# 0.3 0.0-1.8 (K/uL)
F MID% 9.9 0.1-24.0 (%)
F GRAN# 1.6 L 2.0-7.8 (K/uL)
F GRAN% 53.0 37.0-92.0 (%)
F RBC 5.89 H 4.10-5.60 (M/uL)
F HGB 14.8 12.5-17.0 (g/dL)
F HCT 47.4 36.0-50.0 (%)
F MCV 80.5 80.0-98.0 (fl)
F MCH 25.1 L 27.0-34.0 (pg)
F MCHC 31.2 L 32.0-36.0 (g/dL)
F RDW 13.1 11.7-15.0 (%)
F PLT 239 140-415 (K/uL)
F MPV 9.7 0.0-10.0 (fl)
F Vitamin D-25 30.2 30.0-100.0 (ng/mL)