Hello Lady J,
I'm passing for changes on my life also I'm 38 but just last May I found out about my alpha thal trait homozygous -3.7 I believe my problems started because the iron pills . I'm prenopausal ( early) but was kind " anemic" so once I started to take iron my health when down hill. I failed to see that was the iron and I kept hurting my body for one year. Tomorrow will be 4 months that I stopped poisoning my body. I'm so frustrate to have failed to noticed that it was the iron that was making all the problems.
I believe that some of the symptoms of lack of iron are the same ones when we have too much iron.
In your case I don't know about your levels,but probably they sure differs from mine .
Mine at lest but ill last week
08/22/2014 reticulocytes as percent of blood erythrocytes 0.9 % 0.5-1.5 Retics/100 RBC NFr
08/22/2014 B-12, serum 602.30 pg/mL 250.00-1100.00
08/22/2014 folate, serum 6 ng/mL 12-150 Folate SerPl-mCnc
08/22/2014 leukocyte count, blood 5.3 10^3/MM^3 10*3/mm3 2.8-10.6 WBC # Bld Manual
08/22/2014 erythrocyte (RBC) count 4.54 10^6/MM^3 10*6/mm3 3.80-5.40 RBC # Bld Auto
08/22/2014 hemoglobin, blood 10.8 g/dL 11.5-16.0 Hgb Bld-mCnc
08/22/2014 hematocrit, blood 31.7 % 35.0-48.8 Hct VFr Bld Auto
08/22/2014 mean corpuscular volume, RBC 70 UM^3 fL 81-102 MCV RBC Auto
08/22/2014 mean corpuscular hemoglobin, RBC 23.7 pg 25.7-34.1 MCH RBC Qn Auto
08/22/2014 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, rbc 33.9 g/dL 29.9-35.0
08/22/2014 red blood cell distribution width 14.2 % 11.0-16.0 RDW RBC Auto-Rto
08/22/2014 platelet count 212 10^3/MM^3 10*3/mm3 150-395 Platelet # Bld Auto
08/22/2014 mean platelet volume 11.9 UM^3 fL 5.9-9.4 PMV Bld Rees-Ecker
08/22/2014 iron, serum 29 ug/dL 40-160 Iron SerPl-mCnc
08/22/2014 transferrin, serum 306 mg/dL 180-329 Transferrin SerPl-mCnc
08/22/2014 iron saturation percent, serum 7 % 18-54 Iron Satn MFr SerPl
08/22/2014 iron binding capacity, total 438 ug/dL 261-478 TIBC SerPl-mCnc
I hope you start to feel better and hopefully no need of more iron infusions.