Hb levels and iron levels question

  • 1 Replies
Hb levels and iron levels question
« on: September 24, 2014, 07:09:03 PM »
Can someone help me understand this? I'm
Confused ....My husband lives with hemoglobin h disease. The results the last time said his hemoglobin levels were at 8-9 which is low. Does that mean he's low on iron?

I know that we're supposed to stay away from iron because it's bad for his condition...this doesn't make any sense to me.


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Offline ekilucky

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Re: Hb levels and iron levels question
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2014, 12:32:18 PM »
Below are the average readings. Medical records/Doctors might contradict this.

minor (9 to 13)
intermediate (5 and above)
major (6 and below)

There are 2 kind of doctors in my view:
1) who have the complete knowledge on the topic and advice the patients , the natural  ways  patients can recover and lead a happy life. They say there is a possibility to everything.
2) who go with the medical research and advice.

I am a minor , my HB level varies from 7 to 13. 7 -- when i work too much and no sleep. 13 when I become lazy and enjoy the life. I am 32 now.

Have seen some one who had a HB level of 6 for 5 years since she was born. Senior doctors advised to avoid transfusion and her parents agreed to it. Now she is 10 years and maintaining the HB level of 9.


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