Dear Thalpeople,
I just wondered if someone does have an explanation about a very rare and Interessting phenomenon.

While I was using Ferriprox, the whole 11years (from 1994 - 2005) I had this symptom that the first day after my transfusion I did have absolutely no Urin colour. After the second day it starts turning red again. Since 3 months I turned back to Ferriprox, first coloured urin thru whole time and now since the last 2 transfusions, (I get mine every two weeks) it showed up again!!

No Red colour for lets say about the first 30 hours or so.
I remember back in 95 - 96 I asked a Doc who was very familiar with L1 and he told me that this is a very rare symptom. I think it has no influence on the chelation because Iron still drops.
For example : July 2014 starting Ferriprox - Ferritin 2900, now 3-4moths later it´s around 2100
Does anyone have any Idea?? Andy?