Hello everyone here.....
I want to know :-
1) what is inline filtered PRBC?
2)Benefits of using bedside filter with inline filtered PRBC..
3) difference between nat tested and inline filtered blood?
4) what is buffy coat in blood filteration?
Before some years i got same kinda question when i read blood requisition form of Rajkot Voluntary blood bank. There were many kind of blood product from whole blood to leucodepleted RBC , buffy coat removed and what not?
But from above all question over time we knew that the best blood product for thals is Leucodepleted RBCs/PRBCs tested with NAT method.
ans to ur q 1. It is clinic side blood filteration If Ii am not wrong andy can correct me here
2. No benefits ( i confirmed it earlier with doctor ). Bed side filter helps only if the blood transfused within 48 hours of collection.
3. Wrong comperision.
NAT is a method of blood testing it is far better than ELISA testing method of blood. NAT is having very low window period consequently more safe blood than ELISA.
4. I never bother to get answer this question as i know Leucodepletion blood product is best so why to think on other blood product.?