Thank you for posting Canadian Family. I sure love that Trudeau. I am proud to be Canadian these days.
I will say this with the huge caveat that this is my personal political opinion - I hope everyone in North America appreciates how the right wing regimes focus on putting tax dollars toward war and terrorizing other countries for their resources as a cost of stealing their resources so that they can fill the pockets of corporations. The left wing parties however have done far better at promoting medical research. I am very happy about this research.
I hope that Americans will also think about how, while the capacity for gene therapy may have been available for decades - the Bush administration did nothing to advance it and in fact it was suspended until the Obama administration. Research in thalassemia has flourished under this regime. I can only hope that there will be a democratic government - and ideally under Bernie Saunder's leadership in the U.S. after the next election for the sake of medical research and some peace on our planet.