Comprihensive Thalpal book / Thalassemia book

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Offline jay

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Comprihensive Thalpal book / Thalassemia book
« on: January 28, 2015, 09:43:11 AM »
We need a Comprehensive Thalpal book. We need a book written from patient's point of view not doctors.
The cry for the credible knowledge is very loud. There is huge number of thals out there and we are just few here, just a micro fraction. I think every member and all those guest users must have read this forum with wet eyes. If such book has escaped my attention then please mention i guess there must be a book by Cooley's anemia.
We need to compose a Thalpal book, I give my word that i will translate such book in Marathi by a professional translator and authenticate it by various peoples from health sector. Off course it will be distributed free or non-profit.
I beg Andy other senior members and members to use their writings as it is, as i don't know if this forum falls under creative commons.
Let's discuss.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2015, 12:27:17 PM by jay »


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