Pre-Surgery Tranfusions?

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Offline hellokelli

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Pre-Surgery Tranfusions?
« on: February 09, 2015, 08:49:44 PM »
I have thal minor and have had transfusions in the past (during and after pregnancy) due to extremely low H&H levels.  I know that when I was first diagnosed I was told by the doctor that I would likely have a slower recovery time after surgery due to the thal minor.  And I am now trying to schedule a sinus surgery (unrelated to thal) so I got to thinking, what if I did one transfusion before the surgery to get my levels up and help with recovery?  I wanted to see if anyone else ever did this and what the results might be?


Offline Poirot

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Re: Pre-Surgery Tranfusions?
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2015, 07:28:18 AM »
As a general point of view, it may be quite a good idea - the thinking being that if your body is as close to "normal" levels as possible pre-surgery, then that can only help in the post-operative period.

The key would be to check where your Hb levels are pre-surgery - if >10.0, then it may not help so much, but below 10.0 it could be a good idea.




Offline zahra

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Re: Pre-Surgery Tranfusions?
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2015, 01:38:29 PM »
I have done this before a complicated cataract surgery in November because my doctors were uncomfortable about using general anesthesia at a Hb of 7.something.
I didn't really think of it helping in recovery but it sure helped with the fatigue and breathlessness.  I was glad for the shortcut. Correcting the iron deficiency and B vitamin deficiency would have been much slower.


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