Experiance about Hematology Doctor

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Offline Lokkhi maa

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Experiance about Hematology Doctor
« on: April 20, 2015, 08:17:01 AM »

In Bangladesh actually nowhere the proper center or clinic for thalassemia.I am living in a second capital city of Bangladesh.But you know there are no perfect specialist or doctor for thalassemia.After many searches I found only 2 Hematology in my city and I go to both of them.

First one is soo much professional.She just said to me " you have no need to come again, just maintain transfusion when hb will be 9.That time my baby was below 1 yr.No checking,no advice just only prescribe folic acid 2.5 mg." That's all.

Now the second Doctor... I will never forget him.Bcoz he did not touch my baby though I request him for checking my baby and see her weight.He just repeat to me "why you are coming? It have no treatment." When I ask about my babies diet he suggest only potato.He only ask us a lot of questions that is "why you have got marry?Are you relative or cousin?Why both of you are not test your blood before get marry etc..."

Finally he advised me "you may give your baby Desferal by infusing pump for 6/5 nights in a week " No treatment,no test how he was gave the suggestion I don't know.That time my baby was only 7 months old and got only 3 transfusions.

At last he conclude her treatment by said that "actually your baby have no future and ultimately no cure for the disease.Just carry on transfusion".When he said no future then we stand up and I said ok sir thank you.

Finally I found one of Hematologist.Who is a nice person,nice advice,good good everything good.May Allah always help him.When we met with him in Dhaka that was really a good moment in our life.

He is --
Prof. Dr. Md.Moniruzzaman  
MBBS MCPS (Clinical Path.),FCPS(Haematology)
Consultant -Haematology
Chamber 1    Chamber 2    Chamber 3

Apollo Hospitals Dhaka
Block#E,Bashundhara R/A
Dhaka-1229,Tel: 8401661-2
Appointment : 01714090000
Consultant : 10am to 1pm
Closed     : Friday

Modern Diagnastic Center
Dhanmondi Dhaka-1209
Tel: 8401661-2
Appointment : 01911555555
Consultant : 4pm to 10pm
Closed     : Friday

 I will suggest or request to every patient of Bangladesh for Prof. Dr. Md.Moniruzzaman.

Thanks to all... :)
« Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 08:32:23 AM by Lokkhi maa »
Lokkhi Maa


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