Dear Lokkhi ma,
The options and decisions for thal parents are not easy. Each parent has to decide what is appropriate as per their beliefs and their conscience. It is very sad that we are in such a position that we need to make such decisions.
It is important for us to list people's choices when they ask, but the parents themselves must decide what is right for them. Some parents cannot imagine aborting a child while some feel it is wrong to bring another child into the world with a chronic and unpredictable illness.
IVF and PGD allows doctors to fertilize several eggs outside the mother's body, test the embryos and then implant embryos into the mother's uterus that do not have the disease.
Each pregnancy is different and carries the same risk of thal. My first child is a thal major and my second does not carry thal at all. One of our members has one thal child, she found out her second pregnancy was also a thal - she decided to have a second thal child and now she is expecting her third child who does not have thal.
Thal is a manageable disease, it requires vigilance and maintenance however it can be maintained. Each of us has to decide what we are willing and able to take on.
We are all here to support anyone with whatever decision they make
