Exjade or Desferal...?

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Offline dani75

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Exjade or Desferal...?
« on: November 10, 2006, 06:58:16 PM »
Hi Guys...

i don't know what is better Desferal or Exjade?

I need help...
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Re: Exjade or Desferal...?
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2006, 07:43:23 AM »

Like poking needles in your gut? Then go for Desferal.

Rather pop pills? Then go for Exjade! :biggrin

O.K jokes apart.

Desferal is the most common and probably the most efficient method of chelating Iron but it has compliance issues like I said before that you have to administer it slowly through the Sub-Q layer under your skin in a period of 10-12 hours 5-7 times a week!!!

Exjade is new and is available in water soluble pills format and thus is easy to take. However Exjade is going to be more expensive than Desferal and might have minute side effects which are not serious and go away with time such as a rash or stomach problems.

I hope this gives you the bird's eye view of the both. Any more question regarding this are most welcomed.

Take care, Peace!
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Re: Exjade or Desferal...?
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2006, 12:12:13 PM »

Do you also have the option of Ferriprox, because so far, in clinical trials, Ferriprox has shown to protect the heart more so than desferal and has also shown to reduce serum ferritin levels just as good as desferal.  Not much research has been done on Exjade yet regarding iron in the heart but from the few trials that I have read, exjade also looks promising and offcourse so many people are taking it now.  Take care and good luck.



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