Goodevening, this is my first post. I am a Thal Minor and last year I suffered paroxysmal atrial fibrillation with no underlying heart disease and I was given no medication. Had a treadmill test, echo stress test, ecg and thalium test and a heart problem was ruled out. I do have hypothyroidsm and I have been taking euthyrox 50 mg for 6 years. I had a low ferritin level and I was told that this was due to my Thal Minor and was not fiven any iron supplements. On a trip to South Africa, I had heart palpitations and went and saw a pathologist who said that I needed to take iron supplements because after doing blood tests he saw that I had low ferritin levels. He prescribed Spatone which I have been taking for the last month and I must say I have noticed that I do not get the palpitations,I feel very energetic, don't feel fatigue and in general I feel exceptionally well. On my return to Greece I had some general blood tests done and checked my ferritin levels . They came back as follows:
Hb11,1, MCV 67,1 fl, MCH 20,4 pg/ερ, MCHC 30,4g/dl, RDW 14,9%. My serum iron is 75 μg% and my ferritin levels 19,0 ng/ml, my B12 419,0 pg/ml and my folic acid 13,7 ng/ml. I also take a multivitamin effervescent tablet (calc vita), folic acid as well as Super Mega B12 supplements.
Now what I would like to ask is firstly, can I continue taking Spatone with applejuice or should I supplement with ferrous sulphate? How long will it take for my ferritin levels to increase on Spatone? Could the cause of my afib have been caused by very low ferritin levels? What can I do to increase my ferritin levels?
I would like to thank you in advance for your advice.