Thal minor symptoms

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Offline Danny.H

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Thal minor symptoms
« on: June 26, 2015, 06:22:55 AM »
Hello Everyone
I was thinking we should have a topic on thal  minor symptoms . I know lots of people have been posting good advice in treatments and symptoms but has lots of things probably one would like to know . You can share with the group your symptoms and when you started to noticed  it. I'm a alpha thal minor .
To me I realized things going down hill after my 31 birthday.
At 5 years old when I started school I had severe nauseas when commuting, so bad that I passed out couple times my mother decided to not feed me before drop me at school because she thought is was something about the movement of the bus . I had a swelled belly all my childhood .what the doctors down in Brazil face This explenomegalia  as worm problem .i remember having a not Normal visible mid section i
Until 13 years old .
Always deemed anemic , I used to fall a lot  when I was running with my friends so I decide to stop to play running .
Some beans bloated me right away I don't know why . Nowadays I'm  familiar with the fauvism problem  in some thalassemias, but I m allergic to  soy beans ,black beans , pinto beans , garbanzo beans maya coba peruanos. After 26 years old after a strong flue got me down my blood pressure didn't go over 100 over 60 for a long time actually was always in upper 80s by upper 50s very concerning cause I would get light headed frequently. Between 18 to 20 had lots of syncope episodes so many that I learned to cope with it . I knew when I was going to collapse so if I keep calm enough to calm down and get something to drink or just to sit down I could keep myself from collapsing. After talking with a doctor before trying to engage on physical education college he almost refused to give me a permission to entry to this college . He signed the permission with my promise I would be careful enough  to keep hydration and would not overdue . I didn't know I had thal and this doctor never comment about thal but he said my hemoglobins being so little I had difficult to bring oxygenation to my brains .it was the first time I heard about it. I actually felt better after going to Pe college classes. After getting married and moving to the US and a more calm lifestyle I still with low blood pressure but since 27 I wasn't feeling syncope anymore . At age 31 I started to feel older like I was aging and I decide to have children as soon as possible cause I didn't understand my sudden change .it had nothing very clear but I felt old. So I had my girl when I was 32 and tried to get pregnant again as soo as possible for tej second one I had my boy at 34 . First pregnancy was fine I felt well again but at the end I couldn't have my baby naturally I was forced to have a c section otherwise baby and I would be in trouble . Second baby a second csection  . Slow healing on both times a separation of my abdominal walls what didn't heal until today. I keep doing some exercises for it .after babies and more stress in life I came really down with 37 years old joint pain ,adrenal fatigue , fatigue at the point tah I could not keep myself awake . Nowadays every time I think in travel driving miles and going to places I need to think positive need think at is going to be alright cause it takes a lot from me driving being out of home .longer work days make me real tired . Swelled ankles heavy legs pain on lower back,are some of my every day symptoms I was tested for arthritis and I do not have it . When my brain is not getting the oxygenation I tend to be foggy ,extremely tired and stressed. So in general my symptoms at childhood were little differen I believe by my surrounds and what I was exposed to.  Now I'm 39 and I don't want just stay at home so I still pushing myself to have fun with some friends and family  but has been difficult to be the one cheering everytime .i need somebody else to help me to cheer the family .


Offline Danny.H

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Re: Thal minor symptoms
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2015, 06:04:36 AM »
Last Wednesday night I had the the worst for a long time swelled ankles that I can remember .Needed 3days resting to get better . My wrists were also bordering a lot . I have an awful nausea for and strange stomach for the last 4 days ... Just wondering if this was caused by beefing to tired .


Offline Danny.H

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Re: Thal minor symptoms
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2015, 02:43:45 AM »
Hello one more time
That last symptoms I was commenting happen sportily before I have my ladies time  I wonder if this would be the cause of the swollen ankles and achy wrists . After it around July the 4th. I noticed two  big bruises on my the anterior part of my right tigh and one at the side of my left tight I remember beating the right tigh but  not strong enough to make such bruise and the left I m sure I didn't beat. I started to feel better during the month but still watching for swelling and bruises .. I still taking 9 different supplements my naturopathic doctor prescribed noting different . Last week I actually make some pics of my left leg that keep showing small bruises at ten calf and tigh and I noticed the progression of the bruises.
 Unfortunately this  weekend was another hard one . Couldn't get up Saturday and Sunday very lightheaded, short of breaf lots of pain all over not sure if is joints or kind numbness on my limbs. passed  all day  Saturday and Sunady laying down and Monday I was still tired . I went to work Monday but have this irritation on my head . To get worst one of my co workers decided to be very unkind not understand why . I just mentioning it because I believe that stress is also a trigger to make as feel bad.


Offline Danny.H

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Re: Thal minor symptoms
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2015, 03:47:26 AM »
Ok so today I still feeling fussy and headaches comes and goes as short of breaf also sets in and relieves ...
It was a long day ....
Today I talked with my bosses about a different work schedule ....
Numbness on my limbs comes and goes also...
I got some blood drawn yesterday...
Waiting for blood work came back ...


Offline Danny.H

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Re: Thal minor symptoms
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2015, 05:57:14 AM »
Hello Everyone !
My blood work came back
I'm really happy with my numbers but I was really puzzled by my symptoms.
My hemoglobin is 12.4 and my hematocrit 39 I never had it going so good !
I'm very thankful to my naturopathic doctor for finding a protocol that is working for me. :wink
However my headache ,sickness and pain still present
So after receiving my blood work from my medical doctor I went to my naturopathic doctor that read my blood work. So we found out  I'm still low in folate . My hemoglobins are having a longer life life time but I still in need of folate so we increased the dose I m taking .
I also found out that I' m probably working too much . I'm willing but my body cannot keep up with my demands. I have been working for 3 years and a half but was just this year that I needed to work more hours than I actually can . So I talked with my bosses this last Friday and hopefully I'm going back to part time normal hours to give time to my body to rest .It looks that my dizziness ,sickness, headache and numbness is caused by my nervous system crashing ..once I don't give time to my body to rest., plus my always low folate.. I'm mother of two , I homeschool ,I work, I study ,and I m a children's ministries  coordinator at my church ,also help with singing. So for this year I needed to step down from my church offices and I'm testing going back to part time this week at my job. If I cannot heal  I will need to take time off maybe even quit my job ,because to be able to take care of my family comes first.


Offline Danny.H

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Re: Thal minor symptoms
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2015, 06:00:30 AM »
By the way I found an awesome article for every BTMinor , I'm an alpha but I do suffer from low folate also .
This study is for minors using carnitine and folate suplements to stop fatigue and bone pain.


Offline sofear

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Re: Thal minor symptoms
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2015, 02:36:30 PM »
I can't find a way to access the full document. Are you able to give us a link where we are able to read it?


Offline Danny.H

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Re: Thal minor symptoms
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2015, 08:38:31 PM »
I'm sorry sofear,
I found out I couldn't access out of a library research class I have been doing .
If you happen to be a student in any community college probably you' can have access to this database.i will try to see if I can send to me on email and have it printed . I wonder why such articles need to be bought and if doctors want to se it if they need to buy it too...


Offline Danny.H

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Re: Thal minor symptoms
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2015, 12:22:27 AM »
I needed to quit my job  this week ... I was feeling really bad .hopefully  with less stress  I can start to feel better

About My blood exams , it come back with a good hemoglobin count 12.  And good hematocrit count 39
I have been taking vegan special supplements  since September 2014 and I think this is the reason my blood work came back much better than ever !  However I still feeling runned  down .

Re: Thal minor symptoms
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2015, 03:01:41 PM »
I needed to quit my job  this week ... I was feeling really bad .hopefully  with less stress  I can start to feel better

About My blood exams , it come back with a good hemoglobin count 12.  And good hematocrit count 39
I have been taking vegan special supplements  since September 2014 and I think this is the reason my blood work came back much better than ever !  However I still feeling runned  down .

hello Daniela,
its very difficult in such condition, but it is interesting that you are fighting it nicely.
its nice that you are also taking naturopathy.

if you can share your naturopathy treatment i may suggest you few things,

are you practicing Yoga?
these can help you a lot.


Offline Danny.H

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Re: Thal minor symptoms
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2015, 06:41:47 AM »
Hello DrRajpal,
Thank you for inviting to be buddies ,I was searching for your message all over my profile and pages on thatpal.
Fortunately was right here. :wink
I use to be very active before my pregnancies.
I was always following a program of exercise .but after kids and work  I couldn't even do walks or do something else I actually didnt have in stamina to do it . I tried to keep active on June swimming one hour one day of week,but I was too tired to do anything on July. At the point that I was needing to get leave again from my job.
My naturo doctor told me my nervous system was overload since I have not have the time to relax for a long time . He also wish that I was healthy enough to do all the things I use to do but with the thalassemia ,it was not possible.I was not giving rest to my body to relax .Since stopping to work I have been feeling better .I still feeling weak , joints ache still ...I have to do a MRI of my brains .my MD wants to make sure I don't have MS, unfortunately after one month with headaches I couldn't endure the test couldn't endure the stress to be inside a machine  soooo noise the noise gave me a worst headache. I'm waiting to see with 4 weeks out of work  my stress is more controlled and maybe I can try again ...

Re: Thal minor symptoms
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2015, 03:21:52 AM »
Hello DrRajpal,
Thank you for inviting to be buddies ,I was searching for your message all over my profile and pages on thatpal.
Fortunately was right here. :wink
I use to be very active before my pregnancies.
I was always following a program of exercise .but after kids and work  I couldn't even do walks or do something else I actually didnt have in stamina to do it . I tried to keep active on June swimming one hour one day of week,but I was too tired to do anything on July. At the point that I was needing to get leave again from my job.
My naturo doctor told me my nervous system was overload since I have not have the time to relax for a long time . He also wish that I was healthy enough to do all the things I use to do but with the thalassemia ,it was not possible.I was not giving rest to my body to relax .Since stopping to work I have been feeling better .I still feeling weak , joints ache still ...I have to do a MRI of my brains .my MD wants to make sure I don't have MS, unfortunately after one month with headaches I couldn't endure the test couldn't endure the stress to be inside a machine  soooo noise the noise gave me a worst headache. I'm waiting to see with 4 weeks out of work  my stress is more controlled and maybe I can try again ...
you are most welcome,
i suggest you to follow pranayamas (deep breathing and breathing from alternate nostrils) it will benefit you a lot.
i am working in Sahaja yoga healing and research center , it is very effective ,
please visit post there your complains and we will provide you few solutions , free of cost.
and practice pranayama for 7 days then reply here.


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