Is The Vegan Diet Safe For Thalassemia Minor?

  • 3 Replies
Is The Vegan Diet Safe For Thalassemia Minor?
« on: July 16, 2015, 04:33:32 AM »

I've been looking into a vegan diet for ethical reasons but I also want to make sure I'm not putting anymore stress onto my body or harming myself since I know I have thalassemia minor.

Any thoughts/ideas or  feedback would be wonderful.  :biggrin


Offline Danny.H

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Re: Is The Vegan Diet Safe For Thalassemia Minor?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2015, 02:28:11 AM »
Hello LaylaM83,
I'm vegan and I'm alpha Minor . The time I felt better on all my life was not just being vegan but when I went completely raw vegan .My body really liked .
The only diet that is not going to put the burden of oxidation on you happens to be a vegan diet .if you are able go for it ! Not everybody is sussesful with it .
But just for you understand certain controversies . Animal products are not the perfect food for us animal fats cause a lot of problems and oxidation read the book Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko .You are going to find wonderful things about raw vegan diet . It's wonderful if you are able to do it . I did it for 6 months and like I said was the time I was really sharp and clean . But since I was a vegetarian before for me is not a big deal to switch easily. Go slow and be careful be sure you are eating the thing about being vegan and haw vegan is not conting carbs you are often on the supermarket unless you have a a big garden and you will be surprise about the quantity of food you will eat ,is constating eating .

Re: Is The Vegan Diet Safe For Thalassemia Minor?
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2015, 04:55:55 AM »
Thank you so much for letting me know. I just wanted to make sure it was okay since vegan diets tend to be lower in B12, Zinc, Calcium etc. and if that's an issue with ALSO being thal minor. The other thing I think about is my gallbladder. My uncle had to have his removed. I don't know if Thal minors should eat MORE or less iron? I don't know. It's all so confusing.


Offline Danny.H

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Re: Is The Vegan Diet Safe For Thalassemia Minor?
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2015, 06:29:41 AM »
About your Gallbladder ..
Just keep your doctor aware that this runs on your family and that you are a thalassemia person .
Nobody on my both sides of my family happen to have a gallbladder removal .
I know my mother is a carrier and my father also was I just happen to know because  my brother is completely free of thal while I have selections on both chromosomes one from my father and one from my mother luckily enought we are talking about alpha thalassemia .
So For 1 year I was fighthing pains and aches that started to show more frequently, it was a sharp abdominal pain but was internal and I started to think that was my lungs .everytime it came was stronger and stronger I complained with my doctors for 1 year and finally got them to prescribe an ultrasound. Sure enought I got a full gallbladder calculus inflammation you name it . The thing was I never have a fatty diet, I was always vegetarian mostly vegan . I just ate cheese or egg just in last of the cases so my diet do not match with the gallbladder problem I had


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