On the subject of iron, I was diagnosed with Thal minor a few months ago, i'm 51, never had any real health issues, always felt great and had plenty of energy and still do. I went to my doctor after experiencing rapid or intense heart beats after eating, and when exerting myself. To his credit, as a GP, after the usual heart and stress tests he figured out there was an issue with my red blood cell size. Strangely, none of the tests showed decreased oxygen carrying capability of blood. He sent me to a hematologist who nailed it as Thal minor. I'm of Italian ancestry so it made sense.
I've been told I don't need to do anything to treat it, however, I did ask my doctor if I could take iron, since my iron level does show as borderline low, predictably. He said yes. I began taking 27 mg per day and it has had a dramatic effect on symptoms, rapid/intense heart beats almost eliminated. However, in researching Thal I see iron retention is clearly an issue. Is it safe for Thal minors to take iron?
I read your post on supplement advice and intend to follow it.
Thank you