Hello Mahbub,
Please share your Bangkok journey with us.How is your baby now?Its really good that she is maintaining HB 9. Is this result came after taking Hydrea ? I want to start Hydrea but doctor and Andy also advised to wait upto 2 yrs old. Now she is 23 months old and she is a good energetic baby you know !

Are you giving her wheat grass?Wheat grass and Hydroxyurea combination increase HB level ( as I know from this site). Maritain HB 9 by only taking Hydrea or she needs transfusion also..May Allah remove her transfusion pain and experience.
After 11 transfusion my babier serum ferritin found 459 so still I have not started any iron chealaton therapy.She is taking :
Folic Acid 2.5 mg (daily)
Wheat grass Tablet 500 mg 1 tablet (daily)
Vitamin Capsule E 200 IU (weekly 4)
Cod liver Oil Capsule (weekly 4)
Zinc B Syrup 5 ml (daily)
Multi Vitamin LIVEWELL 5 ml (weekly 5 days)
I also give her green tea and milk with her meal.
Please share your babies activity and experience about Hydrea..It is reduce transfusion but not effective for every Thal patient...
If you have any update information about Hematology Doctor and Thalassemia (as you live in Dhaka) Please advice.
Pray and best wishes to your baby and all of child's of the world..