Hi Christine,
There are many online sources for learning about baby food and even making your own. A blender can be your best friend when you have a baby. Many of the same foods you eat can be pureed in the blender and fed to the baby. Fruit, vegetables, and cooked grains can easily be turned into food for your baby. Many companies have also come out with a full line of organic baby foods. Look for foods that aren't loaded with fillers and that use natural ingredients. If you look at this site,
http://www.earthsbest.com/products/category/66.phpyou will see a sample of one company's products. I am not endorsing any particular company (although the quality here does look rather good, and the pasta dinner looks intriguing
. This Italian thinks that little Italian blooded girl might like something like that.
), but if you click on any product you will see that they show the ingredients and some have added iron and some don't. For cereals you may want to try making your own and cooking them longer and then pureeing them for Lauryn.