cost of thalassemia treatment in philippines

  • 2 Replies
cost of thalassemia treatment in philippines
« on: September 21, 2015, 10:19:07 AM »

Can anybody from Philippines give me the idea of cost of thalassemia treatment in Philippines.
1) Blood transfusion
2) Iron Chelators (oral)



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Re: cost of thalassemia treatment in philippines
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2015, 06:44:31 PM »
sir its difficult to give an idea of tretment cost of thalassemia ,, as in one country it could vary between the thalassemia centers because of treatment standards ... as here in pakistan it cost approx. Rs.1200  alone for Transfusion in aga khan hospital to free of cost in some thalassemia centers .... but as i said ,, quality/standard of services varries too ...
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Re: cost of thalassemia treatment in philippines
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2015, 02:51:10 AM »

Hello Dip,

In Bangladesh I really got wondered in 2 days before when know that the total cost of transfusion including packed cell charge,cabin fee and clinical other charges equal to one leukocyte filter cost and not available anywhere except Dhaka.
Lokkhi Maa


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