I am new here and need some help.
I am peri monpausal and having problems with my thalassemia minor.
For the last 10 months or so I have been constantly tired, much more than usual. My periods are very heavy and the hospitals answer is a hysterectomy which I have refused.
A couple of months ago I went to my GP complaining of excesive sleepiness, sometimes as much as 20 hours in a day. I also had a sore throat that had lasted for 2 months and mouth ulcers
The doctor took afull blood sample and discovered that I was deficant in Vit b's and that my iron count was very low.
I have had vit b12 shots and the doc says I will probably have to have them for the rest of my life, I am by the way, vegetarian on both ethical and health grounds. The injections have made me feel a bit better and I am only needing to sleep 10 hours a day.
The GP has given me 2 months to improve my iron levels naturaly before he starts me on artifical iron e.g. tablets on injections, which I know will cause me either diaoreah (cant spell) or constipation.
I have tried taking Spatone, a naturl iron supplement that is suppose to be very gentle but three weeks into the course I am heavily constipated and experiencing very painful stomach aches. I have stopped taking them but have to admit I did feel better whilst I was on them.
I have now got a very heavy period and of course this will not be helping my iron levels.
I insticlively feel that my inability to fight common ailments (eg the everlasting sore throat), the recurent mouth ulcers and the period problems are all related in someway to my thalassemia. Also no one seems to be able to tell me why I am not absorbing vit B's through my food.
It seems that the medical profession can only see bits of me, not the whole person, and that their answers are just to remove bits of me.
Has anyone any ideas or opinions? Your time and experiences would be appreciated.
Thanks for reading