i am shivika (26yrs thal major) from INDIA.
I am taking desferals due to which there are lot of lumps in my stomach. These lumps are causing hindrance in passage of deaferal from needle to muscle. I have tried massaging that area but its not that effective.
Please suggest me a remedy for it as i am taking only desferal as a chelation and my iron levels are very high.

One more thing i wanted to ask is that i m taking fresh wheat grass but its not regularly... (as in i take 10 days and due to some reason i m not able to take the 11th and 12th day).
So is it useless to take like this ?
Is it effective only if i take it on a regular basis?
Is the juice of wheatgrass more effective than the tablets?
If yes, Can you Please Suggest me a Good Wheat Grass Tablet That I can find in INDIA ?
Thank you