I want to create a website and Second Life group in the virtual world of SL

  • 1 Replies

Offline Pcfreakske2000

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Hello everyone,

Let me introduce myself properly : My name is Wesley Rouwoos in real life and I'm from Belgium, Europe.
I have beta thalassemia minor ( I don't have sympthoms, though, aside fatigue sometimes ).

I want to create a website about thalassemia and also want to create a group in the virtual world of Second Life ( http://www.secondlife.com ).

If there is anyone that is willing to help out and is also active in the virtual world of Second Life, please feel free to send me an IM in-world in Second Life ( my Second Life name is : Wesley Regenbogen. I'm a virtual journalist for Second Life Newser ( http://slnewser.blogspot.com ).

Or if anyone is willing to help, please let me know by replying in this topic.

Thank you.

Sincere greetings, 

Wesley Rouwoos from Belgium, Europe ( Wesley Regenbogen in the virtual world of Second Life  )



Offline Chewy Love

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  • Gender: Female
ooo thats sounds fancy


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