Beta thal minor and iron deficient?

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Beta thal minor and iron deficient?
« on: February 27, 2016, 11:40:55 PM »
Hello, I'm new to this site. My name is Lisa. I was diagnosed with beta thal minor around 15 years old. I've always felt tired and run down, but nothing I couldn't tolerate. I'm now 27 with two kids and I've gotten to the point where I can't tolerate the way I'm feeling anymore. Things have gotten worse in the last year. The last two months have been particularly terrible. I have no energy for anything, I can barely take care of my kids. It doesn't matter how much sleep I get, it's never enough. My anxiety is through the roof since I'm constantly worried about what's wrong with me. My hemoglobin is usually around 11. It's 9.6 now. My iron levels are usually normal. In July my ferritin was 19. My hematologist called me yesterday about some blood work I just had done and said it's down to 5. She seems very concerned about this. My b12 and folate were normal. She wants me to go to a gastrointestinal doctor for an endoscopy and maybe a colonoscopy to see if I have any internal bleeding. She also doesn't seem to think a miscarriage in November where I had a lot of bleeding would have anything to do with it. Needless to say, I'm very worried. Does anyone with beta thal minor have any experience with this? In the last two months, I've also had constant tinnitus in both ears, pins and needles in my left hand, and sore muscles and joints. I just feel like I'm completely falling apart.  :-\


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