• 2 Replies
« on: March 13, 2016, 12:04:58 PM »
Hi Everybody.
Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullah.
I have no more authentication about Wheat Grass Juice, Fegonia & Homiopathy medicine. But as per long term experience I announced that if you depend only Alopathy medicine you should loosing something.
Last year my son Tanzim was complained me that, this much medicine not possible to maintain. I told him okey, take the reguller blood transfussion & stop all the extra medicine except folic acid tab, vitamin & reguller prescribed medicine by alopathy doctor. After that, he was very well last nine months.
I had a plan to go my country. I prepared a schedule for myself & my family members. Due to that schedule I taken an appointment for Tanzim's blood transfussion date, it was 29th of December 2015. Whenever I reached the hospital as per assesment test hospital Nurse informed me that, Tanzim's temp. littel more, but no problem, we can do transfussion & I was agreed. After Transfussion again they informed me that his body temp now 100 degree F. If it is become more please give Panadol. We came back home. At night the same day his body temp. become high & we give him Panadol. we wait three days but no change of fever, also started vomitting frequently. January 1st/2016 he admitted in a regional area  hospital. Different kind of test done for investigation. They given IV vomiting medicine & One antibiotic medicine IV. Further they done CBC test & informed me that Hb level came down. Only 4.7 gdl. We are prepareing for him  blood transfussion. After transfussion we stay  two more days in hospital but there was no change. Temp & Vomitting was not getting stopped. January 3rd at night 10 O'clock I was shouted with On Call doctor. They transferred Tanzim to Central Hamad Hospital In Doha. 4th of January  some Blood cultural test report came, Alhamdulillah all was -ve. Again they transfussed blood due to Hb level less than 10 gdl.
In Central hospital Doctor informed me that all cultural test  Result is un known, may be more Viral affect. But they given some of antibiotic IV. Day by day Tanzim becoe well. Temp came down & vomitting motion gradually become down. Only more weakness & body pain.
10th of january Doctor informed us We prepareing discharge letter for Tanzim & given three days antibiotic oral medicine. His MRI report was said that a few amounts of Ferritin spreaded in his all organs . Doctor changed the Exjade Dose. Now it is 1000mg/day.
In my experience whenever Tanzim was with Some of Herbal Medicine & Homiopathy medicine, in his 13 years Thall. life, he never faced like this problem.
So I request all thall.Patients. Please keep substitute medicine -  which can help them extra benefit like - healthy immuny system, increasing of an atomic quantity of  hb level, build up body fittness like this. Don't through them. Just for example - if you feel fever/ cold/abdominal pain/loose motion etc, please  don't take directly parcetamol/ Histacin tab. Try to avoid that by substitute medicine.
Now my son Tanzim again agree with me to take extra herbal & homiopathy medicine. & day by day he become stronger.
Thank's everybody & My Brother Andy.


Offline Andy Battaglia

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« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2016, 04:02:12 PM »
I fully agree that patients should supplement their medicinal care with natural methods. Wheatgrass helps boost the immune system and is a good antioxidant. People stop wheatgrass if Hb does not rise, but then they miss out on its other benefits. The patients who follow a good supplement program do better. I have seen this many times with both thal major and thal minor. Of course, we must make sure patients are in a good transfusion and chelation program, but that is not enough if the health is to be optimized. Vitamins, minerals and herbs are all very important to health and should not be overlooked.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Emby

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« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2016, 01:48:09 AM »
So happy to hear Tanzim is well again.  :heartpink

Good advise, thank you.

So much is drawn out of the body with the supplementing with vitamins, minerals is a must.

...and Wa'alaykumus salaam warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh to your greeting.



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