Brother Waleed, previously after transfusion, was two units always enough to raise your Hb levels to a good level?
What Hb level did you work to achieve after transfusions..
Did you feel tired more often...
We try to achieve Hb level at 15 after transfusions. This has always helped my sons with energy levels, growth, and with good chelation healthy organs and happy ferritin levels, Alhumdulillah.
just recently with things being changed to being transfused 'units' rather than 'mls' needed per body weight, my son's Hb level has been dropping too. Alhumdulillah, spleen is ok.
Brother Waleed, please step up the chelation programme. Desferal PLUS Ferriprox/Deferiprone is an excellent combi chelation days a week. You will definitely see the ferritin dropping, in shaa' Allah. Perhaps this will help settle the spleen too.
I think, though I'll need to check notes, that my younger son's spleen was mildy enlarged but when his ferritin came down then the spleen reduced to normal.
I pray that it works out for you.