Hi Kathleen,
I'm a thal intermedia(Beta + HbE), 31 years old. I wanted to tell you that during my childhood, at times my Hb use to go lil low than average but then it use to pick up. My growth was slow as compared to other classmates till middle school. But then at High school I picked up.
Don't be disheartened. I wanted to tell you that life for me was/is a little tough(health wise) but definately not bad.
I understand how you feel at this time, but please be strong. Olivia will be OK. Hydroxyurea treatment is definately a better choice than transfusions and you should feel lucky if the treatment suits Olivia. There are ppl who do not respond well to even this treatment. Hence, you have one reason to be happy

Keep us posted and ask any questions if you have.