Hi Manu,
Now I am curious also how the intermedia diagnosis was reached. The low level of HbF does not indicate intermedia. Normally, an intermedia would have a higher HbF level, usually over 20%. These levels of HbA, HbA2 and HbF would more likely indicate thal minor. The only level that is unusual for minor is your hemoglobin level and even that is on the high side for intermedia at 9, although a drop to 7 would be more like intermedia.
Have you ever had iron studies done? These would be able to confirm or rule out co-existing iron deficiency. Iron deficiency along with beta thal minor could cause these test results. Another possibility is that you are a beta zero minor. This would mean that one of your beta hemoglobin genes is totally useless and produces no hemoglobin at all. When this is severe, some patients have had to take transfusions even though technically, they have only one beta thal gene. This would be considered intermedia, since intermedia is a symptom based diagnosis and not based on whether one or two genes are mutated or deleted. So, in your case, if your low Hb is caused by thalassemia alone, you could be diagnosed as intermedia, even though it may not be exactly the same as most intermedias who have two hemoglobin genes affected.
DNA analysis would most likely sort this out. If iron studies have never been done, these should be done before thinking about DNA analysis.