Hi All,
I am BTM, 26 weeks pregnant, had been taking Ferrous Bisglycinate supplemental iron since last 3 months. Also on methylfolate since beginning.
Got my CBC results as below -
Haemoglobin- 9.5 gm/dL Ref: 12-16
PCV/ Haematocrit- 29.5% Ref: 38-46
RBC- 4.69mcells/cu. mm Ref: 3.8-4.8
MCV- 62.7 fL Ref: 83-101
MCH- 20.2 pg Ref: 27-32
MCHC- 32.2% Ref: 32-35
RDW- 16.3% Ref: 12-15
Platelet count- 288 10^3/mcl Ref: 150-400
MPV- 12.6fL Ref: 6-11
Request you all to help me understand my above results. My gynaecologist is worried for low haemoglobin, Haematocrit 29.5 being very low. Also MCV 62.7 and MCH 20.2 is very low according to her. She wants to give me Iron transfusions.
Being BTM is it needed to get Iron transfusions? How these low values will affect my baby? What is advised for a BTM pregnancy in such results?
Thanks and regards