Pregnancy risks and care info needed

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Pregnancy risks and care info needed
« on: April 28, 2016, 10:44:00 AM »
Hi All,

I would like some info and advice, especially from all the patients here that have had a successful pregnancy on how to prepare to it and what are the risks involved and what extra care I would need to take during it.

I am 43 yrs old and we are thinking to try for a baby, I am thal major and under a thal medical point quite well, in the last few years with the old age i ve got glaugoma (secondary to uveitis) treated with eye drops twice daily and mild asthma (not on inhalers at the moment). The other major problem is a chronic UTI that i ve been treating with regular AB's for the past 2 and half years. NO problems in taking ABs during pregnancy already cleared with  consultant whom is following me.

Iron level under 500, and i am on a daily dose of exjade 750/1000mg alternate

I am aware that it will be practically a miracle getting pregnant and most likely IVF will be involved but i would like to know what are the effects of the pregnancy on the body and the risks for the baby. 

I would be extremely grateful if any of you could give me some insight.

Thank you very much.

my partner is super healthy and fit :)


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