Paid Interview Opportunity On Living With Thalassemia For US Patients

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Offline Andy Battaglia

  • *****
  • 8793
  • Gender: Male
  • Will thal rule you or will you rule thal?
This is open to US patients only. Participants will be paid for their time.

Schlesinger Associates is conducting both in person and telephone interviews regarding how you live with and manage your Beta Thalassemia, current therapy, personal and clinical goals, as well as potential future treatment alternatives.
Topic: Beta Thalassemia treatment options
Looking for: Patients with Beta Thalassemia
Dates and Locations:
- National telephone interviews: August 8 & 9
- New York City in-person interviews: August 2
o Address: 500 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1030 New York, New York 10110
- Chicago in-person interview: August 4
o Address: 625 North Michigan Avenue, 26th Floor, Suite 2600, Chicago, IL 60611
Methodology: 60-minute telephone interview or 60 minute in-person interview
Compensation: $150 for telephone interview, $250 for in-person interview
To be screened, please contact: Maria for NYC and National Interviews 1-888-798-1889 ext. 276 or Judith for Chicago Interviews (312) 529-2131 ext. 215 or email

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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