Hi Sharmin,
Thanks for the reply, i am not very athletic, i don't think I can justify below 60 RHR .
My Daily fluid intake is definitely adequate, my blood pressure is within normal limits and Thyroid function test is normal , Below are my recent readings
TSH 1.37 (Normal 0.35 - 4.5)
Plasma Glucose 4.6 mmo/L (Normal 3-11)
U&E LFT & Bone Profile all normal
Cholestrol 4.7 mmol/L (Normal 0-5.2)
c-reactive Protein <2 (Normal 0-5)
Haemoglobin 119 g/L
MCV 67.4ft(
MCH 20.6(27-32)
MCHC 306 (310-360)
Hypochromic RBC % 21.6 (0-2.5)