Heterozygous IVS 1.5(G-C) & -136 (C-G) Beta globin gene detected

  • 29 Replies

Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Heterozygous IVS 1.5(G-C) Beta globin gene detected
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2011, 07:34:11 PM »

Your own HPLC reading comes only to 91% total. Your wife's shows a small amount of HbS (sickle cell). That is strange to see here and may be an error. These results are peculiar. Where were these tests done? A proper DNA analysis should determine if there are any silent variants. In fact, a proper HPLC should show if there are any small quantities of variant hemoglobin present. The DNA analysis should sort this out.

You have to be the judge regarding your son's health. Is he healthy and active at his current Hb level? If so, then transfusions may be avoided. If he is lethargic with slow growth, transfusions would be indicated.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Heterozygous IVS 1.5(G-C) Beta globin gene detected
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2012, 03:14:38 PM »

Your own HPLC reading comes only to 91% total. Your wife's shows a small amount of HbS (sickle cell). That is strange to see here and may be an error. These results are peculiar. Where were these tests done? A proper DNA analysis should determine if there are any silent variants. In fact, a proper HPLC should show if there are any small quantities of variant hemoglobin present. The DNA analysis should sort this out.

You have to be the judge regarding your son's health. Is he healthy and active at his current Hb level? If so, then transfusions may be avoided. If he is lethargic with slow growth, transfusions would be indicated.


How are you ? Thanks for your valuable comments.

We had repeated our HPLC here for me and my wife as follows :

My Wife HPLC DATA in two countries as follows :

HPLC DATA                UAE     INDIA
HbA2                         4.7%    4.8%
HbF                           0.5%    0.5%
HbAo                         -          84.4%
HbS                           -          0.5%
My HPLC DATA           UAE     INDIA
HbA2                        4.1%    4.4%
HbF                          0.2%    0.6%
HbAo                        -          86.5%

With regards to my sons blood transfusions, my doctor did not keep him on regular transfusion, according to him his HbA - 82.5% and maintaining him Between 6%~8%.  Is there will be any dysmorphic problem in the future when he reached to age 4 & above ? We are currently doing his "Beta Globin Gene Sequencing test" and then again we are going to repeat his HPLC one more time to see the figures before transfusion.

Kindly review the above data reply to my e-mail and please give me your valuable comments.

With regards,


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Heterozygous IVS 1.5(G-C) Beta globin gene detected
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2012, 09:30:00 PM »
Again the test results are incomplete and I cannot comment until a proper electrophoresis is done. The numbers need to add to close to 100 and not 5 or 90. Were no results given for the HBA in the parents in the UAE test? I hope the gene sequencing reveals what is needed. Until we know what the TWO mutations are, instead of only one, there is nothing more I can comment.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Need Your Urgent Advice
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2012, 04:46:50 PM »
I hope the gene sequencing reveals what is needed. Until we know what the TWO mutations are, instead of only one, there is nothing more I can comment.

Dear Andy,

Please I need your urgent advise on this below subject :

Once again we had crossed three months gap from the transfusion.

Doctor's Recommenation :

* According to treating doctor, he has lot of patients maintaining their Hb level from 6% ~ 8% g/dl and living normal lives?

* They want to avoid transfusion if his Hb level is maintained above 6%~8% g/dl and RET within some range like >4% ~10%? For this reason the following Hb status on weekly basis has been tested :

* On: 07-12-2011 – Hb Level: 10.7% g/dl (Note : Transfusion given on 24-11-2011-200ml)
* On: 21-12-2011 – Hb Level: 11.5% g/dl.
* On: 03-01-2012 – Hb Level: 7.1% g/dl.
* On: 11-01-2012 – Hb Level: 6.4% g/dl - RET: 2.41%
* On: 16-01-2012 – Hb Level: 6.0% g/dl.
* On: 19-01-2012 – Hb Level: 6.3%g/dl.
* On: 25-01-2012 – Hb Level: 6.5% g/dl - RET: 4.21%
* On: 07-02-2012 -  Hb Level : 7.5% g/dl - RET : 4.84%
* On: 21-02-2012 -  Hb Level : 4% g/dl - RET : 5.47%
* On: 22-02-2012 - Hb Level : 4% g/dl - RET : 8%

* His growth looks OK but weight is now 8.4 Kg @ his current age : 17th Month.

* Beta Globin gene sequencing test reveals once again : IVS 1.5 (G-C), there is no other mutation detected.
* there are some RBC membrane damage which transfer from Mother side.

* According to Indian doctor’s advice, I have to maintain his Hb above 9% for the better quality of life even though he is Thalassemia Intermediate.

Your valuable comments will be highly appreciated.

With regards,
« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 04:09:16 PM by TPF-Help »

Re: Need Your Urgent Advice
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2012, 04:15:20 PM »
Dear Andy,

Please I need your urgent advise on this below subject :

Once again we had crossed three months gap from the transfusion.

Doctor's Recommenation :

* According to treating doctor, he has lot of patients maintaining their Hb level from 6% ~ 8% g/dl and living normal lives?

* They want to avoid transfusion if his Hb level is maintained above 6%~8% g/dl and RET within some range like >4% ~10%? For this reason the following Hb status on weekly basis has been tested :

* On: 07-12-2011 – Hb Level: 10.7% g/dl (Note : Transfusion given on 24-11-2011-200ml)
* On: 21-12-2011 – Hb Level: 11.5% g/dl.
* On: 03-01-2012 – Hb Level: 7.1% g/dl.
* On: 11-01-2012 – Hb Level: 6.4% g/dl - RET: 2.41%
* On: 16-01-2012 – Hb Level: 6.0% g/dl.
* On: 19-01-2012 – Hb Level: 6.3%g/dl.
* On: 25-01-2012 – Hb Level: 6.5% g/dl - RET: 4.21%
* On: 07-02-2012 -  Hb Level : 7.5% g/dl - RET : 4.84%
* On: 21-02-2012 -  Hb Level : 4% g/dl - RET : 5.47%
* On: 22-02-2012 - Hb Level : 4% g/dl - RET : 8%

* His growth looks OK but weight is now 8.4 Kg @ his current age : 17th Month.

* Beta Globin gene sequencing test reveals once again : IVS 1.5 (G-C), there is no other mutation detected.
* there are some RBC membrane damage which transfer from Mother side.

* According to Indian doctor’s advice, I have to maintain his Hb above 9% for the better quality of life even though he is Thalassemia Intermediate.

Your valuable comments will be highly appreciated.

With regards,


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Heterozygous IVS 1.5(G-C) Beta globin gene detected
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2012, 06:26:48 PM »

The hemoglobin level has followed the path of thal intermedia, although the current Hb would classify the child as thal major. Regardless, the child must begin transfusions, as this is a dangerously low Hb level. Any further drop (<4) could cause the child to fall into a coma. Transfusions should begin with a goal of 9 as the minimum pre-transfusion Hb level. This is necessary to provide proper growth and development, along with a proper quality of life, as the doctor has stated.

I would say because of the one reading the mother had that showed a small percentage of HbS, that there is a second gene mutation that has not been diagnosed (perhaps sickle cell or a type of HbC that that resembles sickle cell in its manifestation, or another moderating gene that is preventing the second beta gene from properly functioning).

I wish I had a more positive report for you, but at this point, the phenotype, or actual physical condition must take precedence over any speculation about why.


All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Heterozygous IVS 1.5(G-C) Beta globin gene detected
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2012, 02:10:18 PM »

The hemoglobin level has followed the path of thal intermedia, although the current Hb would classify the child as thal major. Regardless, the child must begin transfusions, as this is a dangerously low Hb level. Any further drop (<4) could cause the child to fall into a coma. Transfusions should begin with a goal of 9 as the minimum pre-transfusion Hb level. This is necessary to provide proper growth and development, along with a proper quality of life, as the doctor has stated.

I would say because of the one reading the mother had that showed a small percentage of HbS, that there is a second gene mutation that has not been diagnosed (perhaps sickle cell or a type of HbC that that resembles sickle cell in its manifestation, or another moderating gene that is preventing the second beta gene from properly functioning).

I wish I had a more positive report for you, but at this point, the phenotype, or actual physical condition must take precedence over any speculation about why.

Dear Andy,
Thank you very much for your comments......!!!

I am more panic now, I don't know what should I do....!!!

Treating doctor is telling me that he will monitor his growth, height and his Hb level should not come <6%.
So, we are going to see his Hb levels one more time before we put him on regular transfusion.
Also, doctor is telling me that they are having lot of patients maintaining their Hb from 6~8% and living normal life.
they are trying to avoid transfusions.

When he dropped to 4% g/dl on 22/2/2012, We did the following actions :

1) Given transfusion : 70ml on the first day.
2) Given transfusion : 150ml on the second day.

Now his current Hb level is now 9.8% after we gave transfusion.
His height is : 78
His Weight is : 8.5 Kg

Andy, please I am requesting you to reply to me urgently so that I will commit myself and request doctor to put my son on regular transfusion.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Re: Heterozygous IVS 1.5(G-C) & IVS -136(C-G) Beta globin gene detected
« Reply #22 on: June 21, 2013, 11:42:47 AM »

The hemoglobin level has followed the path of thal intermedia, although the current Hb would classify the child as thal major. Regardless, the child must begin transfusions, as this is a dangerously low Hb level. Any further drop (<4) could cause the child to fall into a coma. Transfusions should begin with a goal of 9 as the minimum pre-transfusion Hb level. This is necessary to provide proper growth and development, along with a proper quality of life, as the doctor has stated.

I would say because of the one reading the mother had that showed a small percentage of HbS, that there is a second gene mutation that has not been diagnosed (perhaps sickle cell or a type of HbC that that resembles sickle cell in its manifestation, or another moderating gene that is preventing the second beta gene from properly functioning).

I wish I had a more positive report for you, but at this point, the phenotype, or actual physical condition must take precedence over any speculation about why.

Dear Andy,
How are you ?

After a long gap I have Latest information about my son who has been detected:

1) Compoud heterozygous for HBB:c.92+5 G>C (i.e., IVS 1-5 (G-C) mutation & HBB:C.-136C>G
Chromosome location: 11p15 (the results are from transplantation center in INDIA).

In other LAB the report  as follows:
1) Compoud heterozygous for HBB:c.92+5 G>C (IVS 1-5 (G-C) mutation & HBB:C.-86C>G

It has been noticed that one mutation is rare mutation.

His Hb Electrophoresis reports before transfusions @ 10th month of his age, because his hb drops down to 4.2 g/dl.

HPLC DATA:  1) HbF - 69.1%     2) HbAo - 24.2%    3) HbA2 - 4.8%

We are giving him regular transfusions:
• On every 4 Weeks.
• EXJADE started to control his ferritin level – since last 8 Months.
• His growth looks normal with a weight of: 11.2 kg and height: 88 cms.
• His current age is 2 Years + 8 Months.

Now, we  started  “Hydroxyurea – 2.8 ml / day to see the Hb levels and benefits.

Kinldy, I need your expert advice on this matter as soon as possible, what do you thinks about HU in his condition? Many patients are having different opionion about HU and its reaction.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2013, 12:02:32 PM by TPF-Help »


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Heterozygous IVS 1.5(G-C) & -136 (C-G) Beta globin gene detected
« Reply #23 on: June 22, 2013, 12:00:23 AM »
Because the HbF level is so high already, it does mean that hydroxyurea is more likely to work, but only using it can tell you for certain. An electrophoresis test should be done periodically to check the HbF level. If it has an increasing trend, it shows that the drug is having some effect. The reticulocyte count should also be checked to see if it has dropped, as that is one benefit often seen. The lower the retic count, the less the bone marrow is producing ineffective red blood cells, and this is also a main goal of transfusion, so the hope is that this will drop with the use of hydroxyurea. If there isn't a recent retic count, one should be done now as a baseline.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Heterozygous IVS 1.5(G-C) & -136 (C-G) Beta globin gene detected
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2013, 12:19:58 PM »
Hi Andy,

Good day to you.

Please note that i have attach Xmnl polymorphism report of my daughter, can you please help me understand what does these report says. is she Thalassemia major or minor and how to read these reports.

Sushil Thakur


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Heterozygous IVS 1.5(G-C) & -136 (C-G) Beta globin gene detected
« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2013, 03:00:19 AM »
The report says that the XMN1 polymorphism is absent. It recommends that testing be done for the other two genetic modifiers.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.

Re: Heterozygous IVS 1.5(G-C) & -136 (C-G) Beta globin gene detected
« Reply #26 on: July 09, 2013, 03:56:01 AM »
Hi Andy,

so does that means that we can not say whether child is Intermedia or Major as per this report? what are other two genetic modifiers for which i should go to get them tested?

Sushil Thakur


Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Heterozygous IVS 1.5(G-C) & -136 (C-G) Beta globin gene detected
« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2013, 03:07:59 PM »
The other two tests are listed on the report after Recommendation. This report states nothing about the status of the child, as it is simply a report that states that the polymorphism isn't present. The presence of HbO when combined with a beta mutation can result in either intermedia or major. The Hb level suggests transfusion dependent intermedia, so it doesn't really make much difference. The testing for polymorphisms is to determine if trying a drug like hydroxyurea to boost the HbF is worth it.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline BabyRiya

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Re: Heterozygous IVS 1.5(G-C) & -136 (C-G) Beta globin gene detected
« Reply #28 on: May 15, 2016, 02:41:12 PM »
Andy and tpl

I guess my daughters case is similar.  The DNA sequence test is still pending and I just keep wondering and have few simple questions

Knowing that my daughter was transfused two weeks back when she was sick and hemoglobin dropped to 6.5.  She does not have any e hemoglobin.  Abnormal hemoglobin

Here HBf and HBa before transfusion was 66 and 33%
Can HBa continue to increase naturally without transfusion.  She is now 14 months old
Do adults with thal  trait or minor have hbf.
 I am trying to find out if there is any hope to stabilize her hemoglobin without future transfusions?


Offline BabyRiya

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Re: Need Your Urgent Advice
« Reply #29 on: August 13, 2016, 12:36:26 AM »

How is your child now?   Any update on transfusion


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